Klong Plu Waterfall in Klong Prao

Klong Plu Waterfall, located inland in the Klong Prao beach area on the west coast of Koh Chang, is the principal waterfall on the island.

It’s well worth a visit for a fun couple of hours, making a refreshing change from the rigours of the beach.

The Approach – Klong Plu Waterfall

Klong Plu waterfall is clearly signed off the Koh Chang’s main road, with elephants from the nearby camp, Ban Kon Chang, idling under high shelters just back from the road.

Winding river-side past scattered houses and buildings, the waterfall approach road is a shaded and peaceful drive, a world apart from the island’s main thoroughfare. You’ll spot the odd restaurant along the way including the excellent Issan style, One Million Somtams, a ramshackle affair by the river.

The entrance to the falls themselves sit at the very end. Here, ruthless locals pounce on you the moment you arrive – 20bt for a parking spot.

The Falls

Klong Plu Waterfall falls under the auspices of the National Park, so you pay an entrance fee of 200bt for adults, 100bt for kids. Thais pay 40bt and 20bt respectively. Provided it is on the same day, you can use this ticket to visit the east coast Than Mayom Waterfall as well.

Behind the old visitor centre on the right hand side, the steps disappearing off into the forest marked the start of a well designed 30 minute nature trail. Unfortunately, this had to be shut down as it also gave access to the very top of Klong Plu waterfall, a fabulous but very dangerous vantage point.

The waterfall itself is 1000 metres straight on from the ticket booth down an uneven path, which comes complete with rest stops. Oldies and kids can manage the walk without too much fuss. Look out too for various potted nature guides along the way, a fun touch.

The Plunge Pool

The falls have a 30 metre drop. That’s mighty impressive in the heart of the rainy season but admittedly not quite so eye-popping during the driest months. Still, all year round, you can happily enjoy the plunge pool and you’ll find plenty of dive spots too on the surrounding rocks.

Groups tend to arrive in the afternoon, whilst the Thais love the weekends. If you visit on a weekday morning, therefore, you’ll not find it crowded.

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