Hi, so you’ve come to this page to find out a little About Us? Our names are Dan and Christine and this website, explorekohchang.com is designed, built, researched, written, photographed, maintained and managed by the two of us.


In an earlier incarnation, Dan pursued a career in television production in London, where he was the producer in the graphic design and interactive department of a large independent production company.

In the early 2000’s, he decided on a new challenge and upped sticks to travel extensively in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Exhausted through months on the road and needing some beach R&R, he chanced upon Koh Chang and never left.


A few years back, we were approached by a British journalist to create the Footprints Guidebook section to this area of Thailand. A fun project, it gave us a chance to share some of the knowledge we had acquired by living here.

Yet, on its publication, we saw how quickly the information had dated and how much more we could have added. With that, the idea for explorekohchang.com was hatched and it’s all history from there.

The Future

When we first settled here on Koh Chang, we had no idea where the adventure would take us and all these years on, we still have no clear idea where we will end up.

Island life is never in a hurry, so we’re more than happy to take our lead from that. Enjoy the site and thanks for visiting.

Firstly, we would like to extend our sincere condolences to any of our customers (past, present and future) who have lost a loved one through Covid-19. Similarly, for all those who have contracted this awful virus and are now struggling with its long term effects, we wish you well.

As a business, like so many others, we have been severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. International tourism in thse islands has been non existent for well over a year and does not look like opening up again till January 2022. It’s been very hard for everyone to survive and regrettably many haven’t or will yet go under.

On the positive side, having literally no customers and clients has given us the time to radically change the site. Most importantly, we remain safe and healthy too.

Let’s hope that you can return this way in the not too distant future.