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Koh Chang Diving – Dive Schools, Dive Sites, Wrecks and Prices

Koh Chang diving is a busy and vibrant scuba scene with many different sites, good well-run dive companies, competitive pricing and plenty to see, including the wreck, HTMS Chang.

The diving runs throughout the year, but the best time is from November through to May when the seas are calmest and visibility is usually very good, 10 metres at least but often more. Koh Chang’s lack of strong currents or great depths make it a great place to learn to dive or to refresh your skills.

Sites | Wreck Diving | Guide Prices | Companies

Dive Sites – Koh Chang Diving

The principal dive sites are the rocky formations of Hin Luk Bat, Hin Rap, Hin Nam Tai (Blueberry Hill), Hin Rua Tek (Banana Rock), Saam Sao Hin, Hin Rap North which all lie 3 to 5 kilometres south and south west of Koh Chang.

Down in Marine Park itself at Koh Rang, the sites and reefs include The Pinnacles (Hin Daeng Ga), Koh Yak and Koh Laun, Koh Thain West and Kuak Hin Ma (3 Finger Reef).


Depths range from 8 to 30 metres with the usual dive time at 1 hour.

Staghorn, Christmas Tree, Table, Gorgonian Fans and Soft coral are found across the sites, with fish, often seen in large shoals, ranging from Moray Eels, Groupers, Trigger, Barracuda, Angel, Clown, Porcupine to Stingrays, with plenty of Nudibranches and Sponges, Sea Turtles and the odd Whale Shark.

sea turtle koh chang diving
ray fish koh chang diving

For a detailed guide to all the dive sites, please do have a look here at BB Divers round-up.

Wreck Diving

HTMS Chang, sunk in November 2012 around 5km off the coast of the island, is, at 100 metres, the largest diving wreck in Thailand. It sits upright in 30 metres of water, with the main deck at 20 metres.

wreck koh chang diving

It is suitable for all qualified divers, with Open Water able to dive around the tower, the captain’s cabin, above deck and the gun turrets, whilst Advanced can go deeper with some very good swim-throughs.

All the companies offer Nitrox and wreck speciality courses.

Guide Prices – Koh Chang Diving

Prices are consistent across the companies with little aggressive undercutting but companies do offer deals on courses, multiple days of diving, groups and accommodation and prices might go down a little at the end of the main tourist season or during the rainy season.

Prices also vary slightly on location, with dives more expensive down at the Marine Park in Koh Rang, simply because it is further. Pool dives are used for instruction as needed during the courses.

We are able to help with all your diving questions, so you can prebook your day or days – please just use the Contact Us form and indicate your dates, what you would like to do, your level and we will get back to you with our suggestions, best company to meet your needs and prices. We take a 20% deposit upfront.

CourseGuide Rates per person (in Thai Baht)
DSD – 2 boat dives
(Discover Scuba Diving)
DSD - 1 beach dive

Bubblemaker (8 to 10 years) - 1 beach dive
4,500bt to 6,000bt


Scuba Diver – 2 days, 2 boat dives
Accredited to 12m only, not PADI
11,000bt to 12,000bt

Open Water – 3 to 4 days, 4 boat dives
PADI qualified, 18m
14,500bt to 15,500bt
Add 1,000bt for Android Touch
Advanced Open Water – 2 days, 5 dives13,500bt to 14,500bt
Fun Dives (2 dives)
(PADI qualified)
Dive Packages (6 dives)

Night Dive

Extra Dive
3,300bt to 3,500bt

7,500bt to 8,500bt

1,000bt to 2,500bt

PADI Tune-Up

Scuba Review

PADI Referral
1,000bt (start of day)


Freediving (1 day) No Guide
With Guide
With Instructor

Freediving (2 days)

Advanced (2 days)


(Koh Rang or at dive site off Koh Chang)

Marine Park Tax at Koh Rang
Divers: 400bt/200bt
Snorkelers: 200bt/100bt

Dive Schools – Koh Chang Diving

boat bb divers pier bang bao koh chang

BB Divers

Shops in White Sand Beach and Bang Bao

Owned by Belgian, Kristel, senior Koh Chang dive shop with 20+ years experience. Wooden boats, pool in Lonely Beach, professional staff, well-maintained equipment, cited as benchmark company. 5 Star PADI IDC, wreck diving. Now also based at Cliff Cottage.

shop front koh chang divers bang bao koh chang

Koh Chang Divers

Shop in Bang Bao

Run by an experienced UK diver, 12 years+ on Koh Chang, small company offering friendly, personable service. All courses taught, fun dives, DAN, wreck diving, reef check and kids programs. Charter own local boats according to daily requirements.

boat at sea scandinavian chang koh chang

Chang Diving Center

Shop in north Klong Prao

PADI 5 Star Dive Resort center, Dutch owned popular school which teaches all courses, wreck diving. Have their own boats, well maintained equipment, Nitrox compressor, air testing.

speedboat divers dolphin divers koh chang

Dolphin Divers

Shop in south Klong Prao

10 years+ on Koh Chang, Swiss owned company which uses a speedboat. All courses taught, fun dives and accommodation offered for duration of courses, with 5 star PADI Dive Resort accreditation. additional branches in KC Grande, Paradise Resort. Gym in Kai Bae.

shop scuab squad bang bao koh chang

Scuba Squad

Shop in Bang Bao

PADI courses from beginner to advanced, fun dives and packages, wreck diving, night diving scooter diving. Have their own boat, well maintained equipment, Nitrox, air testing, DAN Insurance. Teach in both German and English.

Thai Ocean Academy also has a centre at Bang Bao in Koh Chang for diving on request. The company operates from Bangkok – contact them here.

Dive Supply, just along from Suvarnabhumi Burapa Bus office at the southern end of White Sand Beach, has all the equipment needed, well stocked with the top brand names.

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