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Ao Jak Beach

Ao Jak Beach, sometimes also referred to as Neverland Beach, is located on the south west coast of Koh Kood.

It’s another of the island’s very secluded spots, with just a handful of places to stay and their attached restaurants and minimarts.

Getting to Ao Jak Beach, On the Beach | On the River | Southern End

ao jak beach koh kood map

Getting to Ao Jak Beach, On the Beach

Continuing down the coast another 5 kilometres or so from Ao Takian Beach and Klong Hin Beach, the turning to to Ao Jak is marked by a sign for Neverland Resort and Rim Talay. Following its newly concreted lane through the coconut plantations to the beach, you pass a handful of little businesses along the way – Kood Exotic, the cannabis dispensary, Plearn bar, The Kood Cafe – as well as the bungalows of Pink House and Walk-in Homestay.

Neverland Resort’s has downsized since the pandemic so its bungalows and restaurant by the river have, for now, been left to nature. The remaining accommodation is lined up on one side of the large grassy area and their restaurant has a prime spot looking out over the beautiful long sweep of powder sand and turquoise waters.

Next door, meanwhile Rim Talay continues to expand, now with a few rows of its own brushed concrete style rooms and a restaurant.

On the River

On the sea inlet which runs down the northern side of the beach, the wooden Thai house up on stilts over the water is home to Koh Kood Homestay (also known as Koh Kood Club).

river koh kood beach

Look out too for the broken old bridge, which previously lead to the coastal path that connected Ao Jak Beach to Klong Hin Beach. Unfortunately, the path has been abandoned and left for nature to take its course, so it is no longer passable.

Southern End

Going the other way on the sand, the southern end has a few abandoned bungalows amid the coconut trees and long grass but no other development. Once again, you can hunt out the start of the coastal path, this time heading to Ao Phrao Beach, but again no longer properly usable.

Looking south

UPDATED June 23 for 23/24 Season

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