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Muay Thai on Koh Chang – Gyms, Classes and Courses

Muay Thai is one of Thailand’s most popular combat sports, with local and national fights drawing large audiences either to the live venues themselves or to the weekly televised bouts.

Globally, the sport has grown immensely over the last decade, with people drawn both to the combat elements and just as importantly, the high fitness levels it brings once you practice regularly. MMA, in particular, use Muay Thai as an integral part of its training regimes.

How The Sport Works

Unlike kick boxing, which uses punches and kicks, Muay Thai also allows contact with fists, forearms, elbows, knees, shins and feet as well as grappling and clinching.

Contests are over 5 three minute rounds, with victory either by a knock-out or a technical knock-out when the referee deems one fighter unable to continue. Each round is also scored up to 10, so enabling a winner to be declared if both fighters remain standing at the end of the contest.


  • Similar to martial arts, Muay Thai’s rich tradition and philosophy dates back to the 16th century.
  • Central to its ethos, mind, body and spirit must be harnessed as one if a fighter is to reach the top levels.
  • Before all bouts, each fighter will don a Mongkol, a sort of sacred headband.
  • During the contest itself, they will wear a charm or an inscribed cloth around the upper arm or waist.

Muay Thai Gyms on Koh Chang

Koh Chang now has three gyms at the moment, Muay Thai Koh Chang, Soeren Tor Chairat and Wan Rung.

Hourly classes are 500bt for group sessions or 12,000bt to 13,000bt for 30 monthly times in high season. You can also book private tuition 1 on 1 at 1,200bt to 1,500bt for 90 minutes to 2 hours, with monthly rates at around 30,000bt. Novices are especially welcome.

Koh Chang also hosts fight nights and tournaments every Wednesday and Saturday (6 fights, 900bt, kids 5 years to 12 years 1/2 price) at 20.00 during the season (November to April).

In the 2023/24 season, this was in the small stadium at the northern end of Klong Prao Beach (night market area with Zhong Zhi Pad Pad restaurant at the other end). For the 24/25 season, it is apparently moving to the new area behind Grand View Plaza (see below) at the southern end of White Sand Beach. Check for details at Koh Chang Muay Thai Facebook Group Page (082 570 2391).

gym muay thai koh chang club

Muay Thai Koh Chang

White Sand Beach – 082 570 2391

Opened in June 2024 in the plaza area opposite Grand View Resort at the southern end of White Sand Beach, regular gym open from from 8.00 to 18.00. New stadium to be added for the 24/25 season for fight nights on Wednesdays and Saturdays and afternoon exhibitions.

  • Per Person: 500bt for 1 hour for group sessions, 1,300bt for private, weekly and monthly available too.

gym soeren muay thai koh chang

Soeren Tor Chairat Koh Chang

Klong Prao – 065 946 9171

New in 2024, Soeren runs the small gym at the start of the small road leading down to Santhiya Tree Resort in Klong Prao Beach. Open from 8.00 to 20.00.

  • Per Person: 500bt for 1 hour for group sessions, 13,000bt for monthly (30 sessions)
  • Per Person: 1,200bt for private 90 minutes or 30,000bt (monthly).

boxing ring pp wanrung koh chang muay thai

Wan Rung Muay Thai Gym

Kai Bae – 090 731 2872

Located in Kai Bae at at the end of the food court street which runs down from Morgans, this club is run by Saeng. With intensive training on offer for allcomers, it specialises in monthly courses. Open from 07.00 to 18.00.

  • Per Person: 500bt for group session (1 hour) or 12,000bt for monthly
  • Per Person: 1,500bt for 1 on 1 private (2 hours), prices for longer courses on application, possible residential courses too.

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