In this FAQs section of the site, we have brought together all the essential information needed for your holiday in Koh Chang.
- The island has a good selection of local banks, numerous currency exchanges and ATMs on most beaches.
- There is excellent mobile coverage and fibre internet. 4G is is also available.
- For medical needs, there are 2 hospitals, one public and one private as well as local clinics and a good dentist.
- For police matters, many areas have their own police box, which stand in addition to the central station on the east coast.
- We have dedicated one whole page to rip-currents, which occur on the beaches at certain times of year. It’s worth taking the time to familiarise yourself with how to spot them and the correct procedures in dealing with them if you get caught.
- And finally, we give you a phone directory. Please note that numbers do change and English is not always spoken.
Please do contact us for any advice or the answers to any other FAQs we have missed.