Songkran 2017 in Koh Chang

Songkran 2017 is here and festivities on Koh Chang are in full swing.

The Thai New Year holiday falls over a weekend this year so substitution days have been added at front and back, meaning a full 5 days of eating, drinking and making merry with family, friends and strangers alike.

Water throwing kicked off in earnest yesterday and will continue unabated and unabashed over the whole period. It starts relatively quietly each morning but picks up steam as the day progresses, building inexorably to the late afternoon frenzy. At that point of the day, with the booze having taken a firm hold on the revellers, the songthaew taxis just so happen to be stuffed to the rafters with wearied boat trippers heading back down the island from Bang Bao. Sitting ducks indeed.

For us, amongst the very many hilarious moments, the police road block in Chai Chet took the prize of the day. Without even the tiniest suggestion of irony and with granite straight faces, the law enforcement boys continued to pull over absolutely sodden motorbike riders and fine them 200bt for not wearing a helmet. That old phrase, This is Thailand, never seemed more apt – Songkran be damned.

Songkran 2017 Koh Chang – In Pictures

We ventured out to see what was happening, getting very very wet for our efforts. Click on an image to enlarge and then use the arrows to scroll through the gallery of Songkran 2017 Koh Chang.

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