Because of their close proximity to Cambodia and its border crossings, Koh Chang, Koh Kood and Koh Mak are ideally suited for travel to Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville (for Kampot, Kep and Koh Rong) and Battambang.
On this page, we cover the borders used for each Cambodian city as well as the available transport to and from the Koh Chang islands. You can jump straight to the relevant section as needed:-
- Cambodian Services (Private Explained)
- Had Lek (Thai side)/Cham Yeam Cambodian side) – Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh
- Aranya Prathet/Poipet – Siem Reap (Angkor Wat temples)
- Ban Pakkard/Phsar Prum (Pailin) – Battambang
- General – Visas and FAQs
- Private Transfers
- Share Minibus and Visa Runs
Our Cambodian Services
We provide private transfers from your Koh Chang hotel, Laem Ngop Pier (Koh Mak) and Laem Sok Pier (Koh Kood) to and from these borders. We also offer an international service in either direction from Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Battambang and Sihanoukville (including the pier from Koh Rong).
If you need to get somewhere else too, for example Kampot or Kep, please just ask and we will see what we can do. You can start or end your trip in Bangkok. Finally, we can also help you with your travel requirements with Cambodia itself or set you up on guided tours.
Guide prices are at the bottom of this page, here.
In high season, November to mid May, if you leave early morning either from Siem Reap, Phnom Penh or Sihanoukville, you will make the boat connections to all islands. Going the other way, you will reach your Cambodian hotel by late afternoon with private transfers.
More details here.
Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh via Had Lek (Cham Yeam) Border – Cambodia Travel

Had Lek (Cham Yeam on the Cambodian side), about 90km out of Trat, is the nearest border crossing to Koh Chang. You cross here for travel to and from Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh.
The Trat Province coastal road to Had Lek passes through the proudly signed ‘narrowest part of Thailand. It’s an area flanked by the sea on one side with views across to Koh Kood in the distance and the hills of Cambodia on the other
In comparison to Aranya Prathet, below, the border at Had Lek is a relatively sedate crossing though there are a few hustling locals on the Cambodian side.
Shops line both sides of the street offering cheap clothes, shoes, copy watches and phones, definitely worth a browse if you have the time. There are also a couple of simple places to eat, noodle soups, chicken over rice, that kind of thing.
From The Koh Chang Islands
Share Minibus – Through Ticket
Using Had Lek border, through-ticket minibuses run all the way from your resort on Koh Chang to Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh in Cambodia. It costs 1,000bt including the ferry ticket to the border only, 1,800bt all the way to the cities themselves. Depending on location, the share minibus collects you from your Koh Chang resort between 06.30 to 07.50 for the 08.45 ferry.
If staying on Koh Mak, some resorts can organise this for you also, whereby you meet the Koh Chang minibus on the mainland. It is not available from Koh Kood.
There is a change of vehicle at the border to a big bus or minibus depending on numbers, departure around 14.00. This takes you through to Sihanoukville or Phnom Penh.
Once in Cambodia, don’t be surprised if all passengers first go to the nearest town, Koh Kong and then are filtered into separate vehicles according to their final destinations. This may also happen an hour down the road at the main T-junction/crossroads in Cambodia, where the road branches either to Sihanoukville or to Phnom Penh.
Share Minibus – From Trat
A public minibus shuttles back and forth every 45 minutes or when full enough from Trat Bus Station for 130bt. It takes about 1.5 hours, making brief stops at Klong Yai, some 15km from the border and then Had Lek Town.
You can reach Trat Bus Station from Koh Chang by using an island songthaew taxi, ferry (80bt per person) and 2nd taxi (60bt, 300bt minimum charge). The final part of this would be similar if coming from Laem Ngop Pier off Koh Mak. From Koh Kood, use a share taxi service from Laem Sok Pier.
Over the Border
Once over the border at Cham Yeam, you have a couple of options. You could jump in either a share taxi ($50 to $60 per person) or a private taxi ($100 to $120). Alternatively, you could join the 14.00 share minibus/bus as outlined above. Finally, you could head the 15 minutes into Koh Kong itself, 100bt-150bt (tuk-tuk) or 270bt (car). There is a bridge toll of 1,200 riel on the way.
Koh Kong is not such a bad town to stay for a night, with plenty of guesthouses, run by knowledgeable expats, happy to hand on proper Cambodia tips. It is also has a vibrant trial bikes scene into the Cardamon Mountains.
Timings from Koh Chang and Trat
If coming from Koh Chang, you need to leave the island as early as possible to make the connections in Cambodia. Relevant bus times from Koh Kong Bus station are at 14.00 (Phnom Penh) and 13.30 (Sihanoukville), prices in the $15 to $17 range.
An early start should see you safely on the lunchtime buses if you are coming from Trat. Incidentally, Trat guesthouses do sell the same through tickets as Koh Chang agencies.
Boat Service
Boonsiri runs a direct catamaran service from Koh Chang to Had Lek Pier, just by the border.
It leaves from Bang Bao Pier on Koh Chang at 09.00, costs 900bt per adult and takes 2.5 hours, reaching Had Lek at 11.30. You can also jump on at Koh Mak (Ao Nid Pier), 700bt, 10.00 and at Koh Kood (Ao Salad Pier), also 700bt, 10.45.
On Koh Chang, there is a free share shuttle service between resort and pier, same on Koh Kood. On Koh Mak, you co-ordinate with your resort.
At the border, with the same company, you can take an onward bus or minibus to Koh Kong (13.00 arrival) and then to the new Airport at Dara Sakor (16.00).
The same service also allows you ,via an additional boat, to reach Koh Sdach and Koh Rong, both with an estimated 17.00 arrival.
From Koh Chang , prices are 1,300bt to Koh Kong, 1,600bt to Dara Sakor, 1,900bt to Koh Sdach and 2,100bt to Koh Rong. From Koh Mak and Koh Kood, it’s 200bt cheaper to Koh Kong but otherwise prices are the same.
Contact us for more details and booking for this service.
To The Koh Chang Islands
Share Minibus
Heading back the other way, if your travel under your own steam, use the Virak Buntham Co. bus which leaves for the border at 07.15 from Phnom Penh and 08.15 from Sihanoukville, with prices as above. This is scheduled for Koh Kong but talk to them on booking about from there to Cham Yeam, the actual border.
After crossing, Thai minibuses run to Trat Bus Station for 130bt, leaving in theory every 45 minutes but normally adopting the ‘full’ system.

You will find the minibus area on the right hand side about 200 metres down from border itself. You may need to change vehicle in Klong Yai.
Songthaews go from the Trat Bus Station to the ferries at Ao Thammachat for 60bt per person. They leave when full or you pay more to go immediately.
Through Tickets
The through ticket from Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh to Koh Chang costs $25 to $28 including the ferry ticket. It arrives at the border around 13.00 to 14.00. You change to a minibus for the Thailand leg. This does not leave until all other transport has arrived at the border too, especially that Phnom Penh connection. Expect long, hot delays.
Once it does leave, the minibus drives to the pier at Thammachat, though it may go via a tourist agency in Laem Ngop. The agency offers you the ferry ticket at cost price, alonsgside transfer direct to your resort on the island. Their price for the transfer is a little more expensive than the share taxis on the other side. Regardless of whether you take their offer or not, all passengers are still then driven to the boat.
The last boat across to Koh Chang leaves at 18.30. Most likely, this will be the one you’re using – it’s a long, hard day’s travel.
Boat Service
At the border, you can pick up the new catamaran service as outlined above from Had Lek Pier to the Koh Chang Islands.
It leaves at 13.00, priced at 700bt to Koh Kood (14.00) and Koh Mak (14.30) and 900bt to Koh Chang (15.30).
You could use the service all the way from Koh Rong too. The company’s secondary boat leaves the island at 06.30 to meet the minibus to the border and them the onward catamaran from Had Lek Pier. The price is 2,100bt, all-in. Collection from the other places on the itinerary – Koh Sdach, Dara Sakor and Koh Kong – co-ordinate with this too. Their prices are the same as coming from the Koh Chang Islands, given above.
Again, please contact us for booking of this sevice.
Visa at Had Lek (Cham Yeam) Border
You stamp out of Thailand at the departure windows on the left hand side. It’s then just a short walk through no-mans land to the Cambodian side. Their visa window is the furthest one along in the buildings up the little slope on the left. You get the visa here and then go back a window to be stamped in.
Visas at Had Lek are 1,200bt though you may be able to get them down to nearer 1,000bt. Dollars are, in theory, not accepted. If you do offer the $30 (the correct dollar price), you may get lucky and they issue the visa. Rest assured, it will involve endless horsetrading and payment or non payment of an additional 200bt to 300bt. There is a 100bt charge for a photo if you do not have one. E-visas, the simplest choice, are now accepted for entry and exit – see below.
If you are on a visa run and returning immediately back to Thailand, 200bt to 300bt is demanded for stamping in one window and out the adjacent one. Refusing to pay this fee will put you to the back of the queue. A longer wait may then cause problems with your schedule once back over the border, it’s your call.
For 50bt, locals are on hand to get forms and help fill them in. There is a health check, utterly pointless and a scam but it may be simpler just to pay the 50bt. Always carry your own baggage.
Koh Chang to and from Siem Reap via Aranya Prathet (Poipet) Border – Cambodia Travel

Aranya Prathet (Poipet, on the Cambodian side) is about 4 hours from the ferries and is the principal border crossing for Siem Reap. With its heat, dust, dirt, crowds and scams, it previously had a wholly warranted terrible reputation but things have improved immensely since the re-opening post Covid.
This border is also the main crossing point for transport coming out from Bangkok, casino buses as well as tours to Siem Reap, so it can be busy.
From Koh Chang – Share
From Koh Chang, through tickets to Siem Reap are 1,400bt on share minibuses. These pick-up from your resort around 6.30 to 07.50 before heading to one of the morning ferries from Ao Sapparot. The ferry ticket is included in the price.
There will be a 30 to 45 minute LPG stop shortly after leaving the ferry. There is a change of vehicle at the border, journey time to reach there around 4 hours.
Once through the border and with your visa processed, you may need to wait a while until someone takes you to the Poipet Terminal, from where your onward bus or minibus leaves.
That vehicle stops near to Siem Reap not in it, so requiring another tuk-tuk ride, to get you to your hotel for perhaps $5 to $10 depending on its location. The tuk-tuk driver will normally push alternative accommodation and guide services.
Whilst waiting at the border to be taken to the Poipet Terminal, you may be offered private taxis for $55 to $65 or share taxis at a cheaper rate. There is nothing stopping you from taking up the offer, simply ditching the remaining part of your through ticket.
For cheaper rates, walk past the other people waiting and head instead for the roundabout, where someone may offer you a ride. There is a ‘taxi co-operative’ at this border so it is not always as easy as you think.
Journey time from the border to Siem Reap is 2.75 hours.
From Siem Reap – Share

Coming from Siem Reap to Koh Chang is straightforward, with a share taxi costing $30-$40 to the border or a private one at say $65. You then charter another private taxi on the Thai side to the ferry pier. This costs about 3,000bt. Total journey time is 7-8 hours.
If doing it by share minibus, the journey time is longer, price at 1,400bt including the ferry ticket and delivery to your resort. Organise this once there.
Visa at Aranya Prathet (Poipet) Border
The visa is $30. As with Had Lek, if you do not have a photo, a 100bt charge is levied.
Fill in the forms at the actual border Immigration and nowhere else. Ignore any coercion to do it earlier at the now infamous ‘restaurant’ a km or so back.
You can use e-visas for entry and exit. Never change money anywhere near the border or in any restaurants along the way.
Koh Chang to and from Battambang via Ban Pakkard (Phsar Prom) Border – Cambodia Travel

Ban Pakkard (Phsar Prom on the Cambodian side) is a very quiet border crossing, ideal for getting to Battambang. It is not served best direct from Koh Chang by private transfer.
Share Services – To and From
There is a 1,300bt share service (ferry included, vehicle change at the border) from Koh Chang to Battambang. These pick-up from your resort between 8.30 and 09.40 before heading to Ao Sapparot Pier for a ferry around 10.00.
To get there by public transport, first travel by bus from Trat Bus Station to Chantaburi Bus Station, 1 hour at 60bt. Then you need to seek out the ‘casino’ minibus company near the river by KP Grande Hotel. This service runs direct to the border for 150bt, journey time of 2 hours, 09.30 to 12.30.
From the border, there are share taxis for $30 to $40 direct to Battambang, journey time of 2 hours. Alternatively, you can take a motodup to Pailin for 100bt and take the share taxis for 200bt per person or 400bt for 2 seats.
Doing the trip in reverse simply means arriving at the border in time to catch one of the casino minibuses on its return to Chantaburi. All prices are the same.
Visa at Ban Pakkad Border
Visas are $30. To avoid confusion, only fill out applications at the Immigration Office, not where you are dropped. It’s 100bt for a photo if you do not have one.
E-visas are not accepted for entry from Thailand at this border. They are accepted for exit. In other words, you can stamp out with an e-visa, not in. Make sure you have all your stamps (in and out) before you leave the border.
General Visa, Border and Scam Information for Koh Chang Islands to Cambodia Travel
You can buy e-visas via the official site at Allow 48 hours (during a working week) with cost of $30 for the visa, $6 for processing and $3 for bank charges, $39 total.
- If buying a visa at the border, remember the passport photos.
- Carry your own bags and ensure that you have them with you at all times.
- The border crossings are open from 07.00 to 20.00 (Aranya Prathet 21.00).
- Bear in mind that most public transport arrives at the borders at the same time.
- Be prepared for long waits to get processed, especially back into Thailand. Aranya Prathet can take 2 to 3 hours on big public holidays.
- Koh Chang banks tend not to sell dollars. If you have time exchange in Trat. If not, you’ll need to ask around on the island but the rates will be poor. Alternatively, try to bring extra THB baht before you set off.
Private Transfers, Share Minibuses – Koh Chang To and From Cambodia
We organise private transfers by car or minibus that run to and from the borders or indeed all the way through to and from Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh and Battambang. There is a vehicle change once you enter the other country.
These leave from your resort on Koh Chang, ferry ticket included or from the Laem Sok Pier (Koh Kood) and Laem Ngop Pier (Koh Mak). If coming from Koh Kood, Koh Mak or Koh Wai, the boat ticket is not included.
If going to Siem Reap, we prefer you to get an evisa beforehand. At the border, your driver waits by Cambodian Immigration with a name sign. When exiting Cambodia, the driver waits at a pre-arranged and easy to find meeting point about 100 metres from the Thai border.
Coming from Siem Reap, we always suggest an early morning collection from your Cambodian hotel due to the slowness of Thai Immigration – getting the stamp into the country can sometimes take upwards of an hour.
Departure Times from Siem Reap for Connections
- If travelling to Koh Kood, you must leave Siem Reap at 05.00 to 06.00 to ensure connecting to the 14.20 Seudamgo or 15.00 Boonsiri from Laem Sok Pier. You can leave later at 07.00 or 07.30 for the 16.00 Seudamgo or Koh Kut Express. Note the boat companies need you there 45 minutes to an hour before departure.
- For Koh Mak, the last daily boats from Laem Ngop Pier are the 14.00 Leelawadee and the 16.00 Panan speedboats, so a 05.00 to 07.30 start from Siem Reap is advised.
- A similar start time would put you on either the 15.00 or 16.00 ferry to Koh Chang.
Please do contact us here for more information or a quotation, giving your full requirements including route, number of people, date of travel, adults and children, hotel names.
In an ideal world, we do require a week’s notice, but in some cases, we may be able to accommodate short notice requests.
We do take a deposit via Wise, Revolut or PayPal invoice. All balances are paid in Thailand, either before exiting the country or on arrival at your resort.
Please also note that cancellations may be charged at full cost due to us pre-paying the Cambodian side on your behalf.
Guide Prices for Car or Minibus Transfer (Private) – Koh Chang To and From Cambodia
To OR from Koh Chang (your resort) GUIDE PRICES ONLY, may go up or down depending on availability, date and time | Innova or Fortuner (1/2 adults or 2 adults + 2 small child, additional adult +100bt) | Minibus (4 to 8 pax ) |
Aranya Prathet Border (Siem Reap) | 3,650bt | 4,300bt (4 pax with ferry tickets, extra adult +100bt) |
Had Lek Border (Sihanoukville & Phnom Penh) | 3,200bt | 3,800bt (4 pax with ferry tickets, extra adult +100bt) |
Ban Pakkad Border (Battambang) | 3,200bt | 3,800bt (4 pax with ferry tickets, extra adult +100bt) |
Please note too that both the prices above and below (from/to Cambodian cities) are guides only – please ask for a quotation for a specific date with all the details.
GUIDE PRICES ONLY, may go up or down depending on availability, date and time | SUV Car | Minibus (Thai side), Sienna, Starex, Ssangyong (Cambodian side) |
From Siem Reap to Koh Chang (your resort) Ferry Tickets included | 6,650bt (2 adults, extra adult +100bt) | 9,850bt (4 adults, extra adult +100bt) 10,900bt (6 adults, extra adult +100bt) |
From Koh Chang (your resort) to Siem Reap Ferry Tickets included | 7,100bt (2 adults, extra adult +100bt) | 9,990bt (4 adults, extra adult +100bt) 11,350bt (6 adults, extra adult +100bt) |
From/To Sihanoukville & Koh Chang (your resort) Ferry Tickets included | 7,650bt (2 adults, extra adult + 100bt) | 11,500bt (4 adults, extra adult +100bt) |
From/to Phnom Penh & Koh Chang (your resort) Ferry Tickets included | From Phnom Penh: 7,990bt (2 adults, extra adult +100bt) Highway 3 $15 to $20 toll fee | 11,900bt (4 adults, extra adult +100bt) Highway 3 $15 to $20 toll fee |
From/To Battambang & Koh Chang (your resort) Ferry Tickets included | From Battambang: 6,500bt (2 adults, extra adult +100bt) | 9,350bt (4 adults) 10,900bt (6 adults, extra adult +100bt) |
Please see the transfer pages here for Koh Mak or here for Koh Kood for prices to and from the border to their respective piers.
Share Minibuses and Visa Runs
The share or join minibus to Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh and Battambang can be booked once on the island through local agents. We must stress that this journey is long and can be frustrating. It’s cheap for a reason and all tickets sold on Koh Chang for join minibuses ultimately use the same Cambodian company once over the border.
The share minibus is 1,400bt per person from Koh Chang to Siem Reap, 1,800bt to Phnom Penh or Sihanoukville and 1,300bt to Battambang. This includes the ferry ticket and resort collection, vehicle change on the border.
Visa Runs
Visa runs are 1,800bt per person (with ferry ticket and resort collection) for a round trip to Had Lek border. Please contact agents direct on Koh Chang to book this as we only provide the private option (there and back by car, same day) – contact us for that.
UPDATED November 24
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